Tuesdays With Tammi – A Place For Us

An Invitation to Join Us 

Do you often wonder who will “get it” if you start talking about the struggle of dealing with a loved one that hoards?

Please join us for an open gathering for folks dealing with hoarding issues.

We are meeting on Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 1pm PST/ 4pm EST via Zoom.

We will be talking about Mindset & answering the question: \”What Brought You Here Today?\”

Here are the meeting details to join us:

Join Zoom Meeting: Tea With Tammi & Bea


Meeting ID: 845 1429 6954

One tap mobile

+12532158782,,84514296954# US (Tacoma)

+16699009128,,84514296954# US (San Jose)

#akopth #YLITH #hoarding #hoardinghurts #traumainformed #trauma #junk #CLUTTERFREEDOM #eldercare #ageinplace #selfcare

Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/thehoardingsolution/message

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