What\’s Quaking in Your Wake?

What are you leaving in your wake?  What is your legacy?

This past weekend was a beautiful time to be out on the water in the Pacific Northwest!  We dropped some shrimp pots and skimmed around on the water basking in the glorious sun that had finally made its appearance after a long, cranky spring!

Although our shrimp haul was small, it was an enjoyable time with friends and their kids. The kids did a lot of critter spotting that included an orca, a seal and number of other birds. We could see over to Port Townsend and Sequim, the Olympic Mountains, the Cascade Mountains and even Mt. Baker.

We listened to some good old country tunes. One of them declared, “you ain’t worth the whiskey.” Isn’t that the truth in some cases!

It was a really peaceful time on the water and some moments for reflection and I started considering,

What are we leaving in our wake?

What kind of impact are you making?

Are we showing people the way and encouraging them? Are we too angry to enjoy the peaceful moments? In too much of a hurry to sit the hell down and listen to what the kids are trying to say? Too “busy” to put down our phones and engage with the folks around us?

What kind of impression are we leaving with the important people in our lives?      

What do you want people to remember about you?

Of course, we can’t control that outcome, but we can control what we present day to day.

I encourage you to join me in being more present, engaged and enjoying the present moment.

We will never, ever get the time back, so we should enjoy it to the fullest while we can!

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