Ways to Connect With A Parent That Hoards

Finding a way to connect with a parent that hoards can be a challenging endeavor.

Here are a few things that I have found that can be really helpful in staying connected.

They help me feel connected but also honor my own personal boundaries.

I hope they will be useful for you as you deal with a parent that hoards.

  1. Call them and check in on them to see how they are doing.
  2. Visit them away from their home, as a restaurant, park or similar neutral location.
  3. Go on excursions together, a concert, a movie or have coffee somewhere.
  4. Have them VISIT at your home. Set a time limit for the visit.
  5. Have them visit at your hotel if you are visiting them from out of town.
  6. Buy a gift card for eating at their favorite restaurant, the zoo or an event.
  7. Take a walk with them at the beach, or in the park.
  8. Take them to the grocery store if they need to go.
  9. Send them an email with photos of you, your kids or your pets.
  10. Ask them about good or fun times that they have enjoyed in their lives.

Tammi Moses is the founder and Chief Encouragement Officer of Homes Are For Living, LLC which is a Veteran Woman Owned & Operated business located in Oak Harbor on Whidbey Island, WA.  She provides consultations, assessments and workshops on the issue of hoarding and inspiring others to take their adversity and use it for the greater good. She is the voice of #AKOPTH-Adult Kids of Parents That Hoard. You can connect with Tammi via Email[email protected] on Twitter and on Facebook.


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